Dental segmentation from X-ray images using semi-supervised fuzzy clustering with spatial constraints

In this paper, we propose a novel semi-supervised fuzzy clustering algorithm with spatial constraints for dental segmentation from X-ray images. The detailed contributions include: i) Formulating the spatial features of a dental X-ray image in a dental feature database; ii) Modeling the dental segmentation problem in the form of semi-supervised fuzzy clustering with spatial constraints; iii) Solving the model by the Lagrange multiplier method; iv) Determining the additional information for clustering process by mixing optimal results of Fuzzy C-Means with spatial constraints; v) Proposing a novel Semi-Supervised Fuzzy Clustering algorithm with Spatial Constraints (SSFC-SC) that combines those processes for dental segmentation. The new algorithm is validated on a real dataset from Hanoi Medical University, Vietnam including 56 dental images. The experimental results reveal that the proposed work has better accuracy than the original semi-supervised fuzzy clustering and other relevant methods. We also suggest the most appropriate values of parameters that should be opted for the algorithm.

Title: Dental segmentation from X-ray images using semi-supervised fuzzy clustering with spatial constraints
Authors: Le Hoang Son
Tran Manh Tuan
Keywords: Dental features;Dental image segmentation;Fuzzy clustering;Semi-supervised fuzzy clustering;X-ray images
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: In this paper, we propose a novel semi-supervised fuzzy clustering algorithm with spatial constraints for dental segmentation from X-ray images. The detailed contributions include: i) Formulating the spatial features of a dental X-ray image in a dental feature database; ii) Modeling the dental segmentation problem in the form of semi-supervised fuzzy clustering with spatial constraints; iii) Solving the model by the Lagrange multiplier method; iv) Determining the additional information for clustering process by mixing optimal results of Fuzzy C-Means with spatial constraints; v) Proposing a novel Semi-Supervised Fuzzy Clustering algorithm with Spatial Constraints (SSFC-SC) that combines those processes for dental segmentation. The new algorithm is validated on a real dataset from Hanoi Medical University, Vietnam including 56 dental images. The experimental results reveal that the proposed work has better accuracy than the original semi-supervised fuzzy clustering and other relevant methods. We also suggest the most appropriate values of parameters that should be opted for the algorithm
Description: TNS06979 ; ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Volume: 59 Pages: 186-195 Published: MAR 2017
ISSN: 0952-1976
Appears in Collections:Bài báo của ĐHQGHN trong Web of Science

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